Impact of Top Scholars' Research Dynamics on Discipline Development |
Tao Wenqian, Pan Yuntao, Wang Haiyan |
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 |
Abstract This study explored the relationship between the research dynamics of top scholars and the development of a discipline, to understand their influence, explore the regularity in iteration of scientific knowledge, and obtain insights for optimizing talent evaluation. We developed a quantitative model that focused on top scholars in a discipline, utilizing three dimensions (time, topic, and influence relationships) for the basic indicators. We combined this with the development life cycle of topic popularity, defined the types of influence that scholars have on the development of the discipline, constructed scholars’ impact functions, and analyzed the degree of impact of top scholars’ research on the development of the discipline. Based on empirical research in the field of gene editing, the most significant impact of top scholars on the development of the discipline was seen in the promotion of the third-generation gene editing technology CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) to become the most mainstream research topic, thereby achieving technological innovation. Compared to all scholars, top scholars played a prominent role in pioneering innovation and supporting other scholars and maintained advantages as the field continued to develop. We also analyzed the research dynamics of two typical scholars’ impact on the development of their discipline and identified two distinct impact patterns: the promoting pattern and the pattern that is a combination of pioneering, guiding, and supporting. The computed results are consistent with reality, which verifies the reliability of the constructed model.
Received: 28 June 2023
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