Modeling and Simulation Analysis of Knowledge Exchange through Cross-Regional Scientific Research Cooperation Based on Cellular Automata |
Ye Guanghui, Wei Jinyu, Tan Qitao, Xia Lixin |
School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 |
Abstract Knowledge exchange through cross-regional scientific research cooperation is significant in promoting innovation and value creation in scientific research. However, traditional analysis methods, such as social network, information econometric, and content analyses struggle to describe the complex process of knowledge exchange properly. Therefore, this study adopts the method of cellular automata modeling and simulation for analysis. First, we describe the individual characteristics of knowledge exchange through cross-regional scientific research cooperation. Then, based on the principle of cellular automata, we construct a knowledge exchange model and divide the knowledge exchange process into three stages according to the knowledge exchange characteristics. Finally, a three dimensional evaluation index system was constructed to evaluate the impact of different factors on the knowledge exchange effect. The results show that the hindering effect of geographical distance on the knowledge exchange through cross-regional scientific research cooperation gradually decreases with time, the knowledge exchange ability is key to improving the knowledge exchange efficiency, and knowledge innovation promotes the knowledge exchange constantly. Using modeling and simulation methods, this study explores the effects of different influencing factors on the knowledge exchange through cross-regional scientific research cooperation, discusses the process and characteristics of knowledge exchange, reveals the internal mechanism of knowledge exchange, and addresses the challenges to knowledge exchange in terms of space, time, and state.
Received: 17 March 2022
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