Integrating Science-Technology Knowledge Linkage to Predict Disruptive Patents |
Liang Zhentao1,2, Mao Jin1,2, Li Gang1,2 |
1.Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 2.School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 |
Abstract Identifying and predicting disruptive technologies is critical to the national need for strategic development. This study treats patent families as technology units and calculates their disruption index, technological features, and Science-Technology (S&T) association features based on two large-scale patent (PATSTAT) and bibliographic (MAG) datasets. An approach to predicting potential disruptive patents is proposed. The prediction is considered a supervised binary classification task, which predicts the patent disruptiveness in five years, given the features calculated in the year it was published. Our results show that: (1) disruptive patents are characterized by less prior knowledge, stronger teams, an underestimated commercial value, and a higher long-term impact; (2) S&T linkage is an important feature in predicting disruptive patents; and (3) the LightGBM model achieves the best results in terms of performance and efficiency. However, the prediction of disruptive patents remains difficult. Future studies should consider incorporating semantic features and multiple data sources to improve the performance.
Received: 28 July 2022
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