The Evolution and English Translation of Qingbao |
Ye jiyuan, Cheng Ying |
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract There is yet to be a consensus on the English translation of the word “intelligence” in academic circles, despite its importance in library science and information science. This study examines the existing translation of information or intelligence, analyzes the semantic differences between these two common translations and the Chinese word qingbao, addresses the different viewpoints of the academic circle, and discusses the recognition of the new word “infotelligence” coined by academic circles at home and abroad. Referring to the practice of “Chinese ideological and cultural terminology communication project,” the study suggests that transliteration can be used in the translation of “情报” into “Qingbao” and illustrates the feasibility and rationality of the translation when combined with terms such as information and intelligence.
Received: 17 February 2022
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