Analysis of the Correlation between Forward Patent Citation and Patent Waiver in the Safety Emergency Industry |
Li Rui1, Zhang Handong1, Zhu Yu2, Long Rui2 |
1.Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610207 2.School of Public Administration, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065 |
Abstract The forward patent citation is a disputable patent evaluation index, although it is generally considered by the academia to have a positive evaluation significance. However, opposing standpoints have been presented constantly. This study conducts an empirical analysis on the correlation between forward patent citation and patent waiver, rediscovering the evaluation significance of forward patent citation from a new perspective. Taking 24,510 safety emergency industry patents in four technological domains as samples, this study explored the correlation between forward patent citation and patent waiver using a log-linear model and multivariate statistical difference analysis method. Based on the calculation of cross contingency table, chi-square statistics, and the probability value, this study found a statistically significant correlation between the two factors, implying that patents are more likely to be waived once cited. This study's discovery provides new content to objectively understand the meaning of forward patent citation in information science and establishes novel ideas in using an index of forward patent citation to evaluate patents.
Received: 16 August 2021
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