A Review of the Cross-Modal Retrieval Model and Feature Extraction Based on Representation Learning |
Li Zhiyi, Huang Zifeng, Xu Xiaomian |
Economic & Management College of South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006 |
Abstract Representation learning, particularly deep learning, has received wide attention and seen application in speech recognition, image analysis, and natural language processing fields. It not only promotes the research and development of artificial intelligence, but urges enterprises to consider new business and profit models. This paper aims to examine these studies in the form of reviews, and ultimately form a complete overview of the topic. Through the investigation and organization of relevant literature locally and internationally, this paper summarizes the research results of cross-modal retrieval and feature extraction based on representation learning from the two dimensions of information extraction and representation, and cross-modal system modeling. The main research includes summarizing five traditional representation learning algorithms, which are the autoencoder, sparse encoding, the restricted Boltzmann machine, deep belief networks, and convolutional neural networks. From the shared layer relationship between each mode, the representation space, and the correlation between each mode’s in-depth learning-based cross-modal modeling algorithm, the present state of research on modeling systems based on cross- modal modeling is summed up. Finally, the evaluation index of cross-modal retrieval is summarized. The study finds that the existing retrieval research is rich in single-modal information retrieval and that the content of queries and candidate sets belong to the same modality, whereas cross-modal retrieval is limited to two modal alignment languages of images and texts. Future research needs to see an increase of modal retrieval of audio, video, images, text, and other multimodal data, and using deeper constructing multimodal retrieval models and feature extraction algorithms to achieve three-or- greater cross-modal retrieval. In addition, an evaluation index of multimodal retrieval systems must be established.
Received: 03 December 2017
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