Financial Intelligence Studies in Digital Finance Era: Discipline Status, Discipline Connotations, and Research Directions |
Ding Xiaowei |
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract The actual status of Financial Intelligence Studies is very different from what it should be. This situation needs to be changed. With the advent of the Digital Finance era, the author advocates building a next-generation digital financial information foundational infrastructure, architecture, computing paradigm, and integrated innovation incubation platform based on Blockchain Driven Trustable Big Data and Trustable Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology. The next generation of Finance characterized by Digital Finance provides rich theoretical nourishment, practical experience, and realistic scenes for the discipline of Financial Intelligence Studies and provides an excellent opportunity for original academic research. Original theoretical and practical research on Financial Intelligence Studies will feed-back and boost the vigorous development of the Next-Generation Finance. The development of the Next-Generation Finance needs the support of the original theory of Financial Intelligence Studies, which can help answer the questions such as the direction that financial innovation should take in the future. Financial Intelligence Studies can build its discipline system, academic system, and discourse system around the Next-Generation Finance. In the light of the Next-Generation Finance, the discipline connotation of Financial Intelligence Studies includes: basic cognition of Financial Intelligence discipline; handling of financial information, knowledge and intelligence; monitoring and early-warning financial risks from the perspective of Financial Intelligence; under the realistic conditions of technology empowerment, studying the Next-Generation Finance from the perspective of Financial Intelligence; and carrying out Financial Intelligence research according to the practical needs of continuous development. The systematic framework of Financial Intelligence Studies includes: foundational infrastructure level, theoretical basis level, computing paradigm level, and application practice level. The research directions of Financial Intelligence Studies in the Digital Finance era mainly include: financial risk prevention and control and financial security, regulatory technology and financial order optimization, integrity and innovation in the financial field, and the connection and game of world finance dominated by China and the United States.
Received: 04 May 2021
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