Emotional Load, User Stickiness, and Information Symbiosis Bias: Dynamic Analysis Based on Panel Data of Emergency Events from 2015 to 2020 |
Yang Changzheng |
School of Journalism & New Media, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049 |
Abstract To find the influence mechanism of information symbiosis, this paper explores the relationship between emotional load, user stickiness, and information symbiosis. The paper uses China’s emergency events panel data from 2015 to 2020, for example sina microblog, and employs VAR, panel data, and state space models to analyze the relationship between the emotional load, user stickiness, and information symbiosis. The findings of the research can be categorized into the following. First, in the process of information symbiosis, emotional load and user stickiness has a significant impact on information symbiosis, and the impact of emotional load is greater than that of user stickiness. In the process of emotional load fluctuations, the autocorrelation effect of emotional load has the greatest impact on information symbiosis, and the effects of information symbiosis and user stickiness are greater than other exogenous factors. Second, the marginal impact of user stickiness on information symbiosis is greater than that of emotional load; the marginal impact of information symbiosis on emotional load is greater than that of user stickiness; and the marginal impact of emotional load on user stickiness is greater than that of information symbiosis. Third, the contribution rate of emotional load to information symbiosis fluctuation is greater than that of user stickiness; the contribution rate of emotional load to user stickiness fluctuation is greater than that of information symbiosis; and the contribution rate of information symbiosis to emotional load fluctuation is greater than that of user stickiness. Fourth, the interaction effects between emotional load, user stickiness, and information symbiosis vary across demographic groups. To conclude, driving strategies and specific measures can be formulated.
Received: 28 April 2020
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