Study on Informetric Characteristics of CHINA NINE and Other World-Class University Associations |
Tian Ji, He Xiaowei, Yu Minjie, Shen Lihua |
Zhejiang University Library, Hangzhou 310027 |
Abstract This paper presents a statistical analysis of the informetric characteristics in both intra-university and inter-university association of CHINA NINE (C9) and three other world-class research university associations. The overall profile and major characteristics of these world-class university associations are elucidated. This paper presents the main features of CHINA NINE and revealed the gaps between CHINA NINE and three other top university associations. It concluded that the total number of papers published by the C9 alliance members was impressive. However, the proportion of highly cited papers, international cooperation, and other influence indexes still needs to increase. The h index, Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI), Fied-Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI), and other important indicators of academic influence were strongly correlated with scientific research investment, highly cited papers, citation per paper, and total citations. Good research universities showed excellent performances in the field of basic research, engineering applications, and other research fields.
Received: 28 December 2016
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