Analysis of Time-Sequence Coupling of Corporate Dual Public Opinion in Social Network |
Xu Yuan, Liang Xun, Cheng Hengchao, Zhang Shusen |
School of Information, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872 |
Abstract The rise of the social network has changed the way of the information transmitted, and has affected the spread of the enterprises’ network public opinion. Due to the widespread use of the social network, the content of corporate communication is more complex, and the corporate public opinion is facing lots of pressure and challenges. Enterprises also need to modernize the methods of public opinion management. In this paper, we focus on the time-sequence coupling of dual public opinion of the Wei Zexi and Lei Yang event cases and combine other 5 coupling of dual public opinion cases. Three methods of coupling effects are analyzed in detail: suppression, promotion, and independence. We analyze the influence of each character in the public opinion propagation process from the perspective of the Internet users as well as the enterprises. Finally, we provide suggestions on the corporate public opinion management.
Received: 09 October 2017
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