Role of Technology Due Diligence in the Development of the Science and Technology Services Industry |
Chen Feng |
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 |
Abstract Using a multi-methods approach, including review of literature, symposium, expert interview, and case study, the basic concept and fundamentals of technology due diligence are introduced. The demands and development prospects of the technology due diligence industry and its role in promoting the development of both the science and technology service industry and the science and technology information service of China in the new era are studied. The paper concludes by stating findings and perspectives, such as noting the rapid growth of the technology due diligence industry on the one hand, and observing its role as an engine and multiplier for both the science and technology service industry and the science and technology information service of China on the other hand in the new era.
Received: 13 May 2020
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