Key Generic Technology Identification Based on Patent Mining |
Ma Yonghong, Kong Lingkai, Lin Chaoran, Yang Xiaomeng |
School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001 |
Abstract The identification of key generic technology affects the resources provided by the government to uncertain market environments and the direction of enterprise research, restricting the development of the manufacturing industry. How to accurately identify key generic technology is an urgent problem for governments and enterprises. Based on the patent data and LDA theme model, the themes of implicit technology are extracted, the high-intensity technology topics are selected as research objects, the technology co-occurrence ratio versatility is analyzed, and the technical theme activity as well as value are combined to identify generic technology topics. Using social network analysis methods, technology topics are considered as nodes and technology theme co-occurrence intensity as edge weights; further, the technical subject rights are quantified, key nodes are screened, and key generic technology is identified. Finally, considering the new material field as an example, the results demonstrate that the preparation of high property aluminum alloys, nano powder, films, and high strength and hardness ceramic mold as well as the preparation and application of metal powder are realized by employing key generic technology in the field of new material.
Received: 26 September 2019
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