Ontology Construction for Fire Emergency Management |
Wang Fang1, Yang Jing1,2, Xu Lulu1 |
1.Department of Information Resources Management, Business School, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 2.The Secondry Intermediate People's Court of Tianjin, Tianjin 300210 |
Abstract Fire outbreak is one of the main emergencies that threaten lives and properties. The number of reports of fire emergencies has increased exponentially in the big data era. Determining how to acquire, extract, and represent knowledge from a large set of fire reports and forming a fire emergency knowledge base to guide the intelligent development of fire emergency management work have become key factors in the effort to improve China's emergency management capability. This paper constructed an ontology model called FEO for fire emergency management. First, based on the guidance of domain experts, the fire emergency upper body FE-SUMO was constructed; then, the five-tuple of FEO consisting of concepts, relationships, functions, axioms and examples was established from fire emergencies, combustion factors, combustion results, fire emergency organization, fire emergency resources, fire emergency roles, and so on. The FEO was implemented using the ontology construction tool Protégé. Finally, the validity and integrity of the constructed fire emergency ontology was verified by qualitative evaluation and OntoQA quantitative evaluation.
Received: 08 July 2019
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