Based on ISWC: A Review of the Situations and Trends of the Semantic Web |
Xu Xin, Yang Jiaying |
Department of Information Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241 |
Abstract The “semantic web” refers to a concept related to machine-accessible data proposed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1998. As the semantic web completes its twentieth year, a systematic review of its history and trends is urgently required. To cover the gap in global review studies of the semantic web, this study focuses on the resources, techniques, and practices utilized in relation to the semantic web based on the articles of the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), which is the most authoritative conference on the semantic web in the world. The literature study method is applied in this paper to review ISWC conference papers from 2002 to 2018. Specifically, semantic web resources such as datasets, ontologies, workflows, evaluation benchmarks, and so on are reviewed. The semantic web techniques section deals with data inquiry, data process, data storage, data access, and applications followed by three practical cases in the actual business world. The results of the review indicate that ISWC researchers build a resource world having variety and openness; however, profit-oriented enterprises are not encouraged in the process of resource construction. Moreover, techniques builders have gradually shifted their attention from semantics comprehension to linked data construction.
Received: 18 June 2019
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