A Hybrid Need-driven Mobile Visual Search Framework for Visual Resources in Academic Literature |
Hu Rong1, 2, Tang Zhengui2, Zhu Qinghua2 |
1. School of Computer & Information Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715;
2. School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract Visual resources in academic literature (VRAL) are important visual knowledge units. Providing a search service for VRAL in the mobile Internet environment would be an innovation value growth point of academic knowledge service in the field of information science. This paper explores a mobile visual search framework for VRAL (VRAL-MVS) from the perspective of “supply-demand-service.” The framework integrates different levels of academic users’ needs, and incorporates the underlying visual characteristics, the high-level semantic characteristics of VRAL, and the contextual text information features. The resource description and organization part of this framework focuses on the VRAL-MVS system requirements level identification and VRAL ontology construction. The retrieval part manages the system architecture and retrieval process, and develops a VRAL-MVS prototype system to verify the effects of the framework using the PLOS ONE datasets. In conclusion, this framework can meet the academic users’ hybrid needs of searching for figure, for its meaning, and for article. This exploratory study introduces mobile visual search technology into academic information services and goes deeper into more fine-grained visual knowledge units for retrieval.
Received: 25 July 2017
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