Reflection on the Development of the Scientific and Technical Information Industry Based on the National Science and Technology Management Platform |
Zeng Jianxun |
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 |
Abstract The Ministry of Science and Technology is leading the construction of a national science and technology management platform. How to seize this opportunity to make the platform an important part of the scientific and technological information business, with a view to promoting the development of the scientific and technical information industry by integrating it into the innovation system, has become a problem that needs to be solved urgently. This paper reviews the original intention and development course of the scientific and technical information industry and analyzes the current difficulties and challenges. Then, considering the construction of the national science and technology management platform, the feasibility of integrating the scientific and technological information business into scientific and technological management is analyzed. The paper then analyzes the new opportunities brought forth by the construction of the national science and technology platform for relieving the difficulties faced by the scientific and technical information industry. This analysis is done from the perspective of building a new system of science and technology information network or station, reshaping the core intelligence user groups, realizing the accumulation of original scientific research data, and building a collaborative service platform for scientific research information. Finally, the paper proposes an overall framework for the scientific and technical information industry, oriented towards the implementation of the science and technology plan, a model for integrating science and technology information service into the science and technology management platform, and a strategy for promoting the scientific and technical information industry based on the national science and technology management platform.
Received: 10 December 2018
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