Research on Infodemic Management Capacity |
Pei Junliang, Zhou Xiaoying |
School of Information Resource Management, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872 |
Abstract Infodemic management requires adequate capacity, but the current research on infodemic topics rarely involves capacity issues. Based on an analysis of the infodemic management capacity-building measures carried out by the World Health Organization, this paper studies the content on infodemic management capacity and establishes a model for ensuring adequate infodemic management capacity to fully reflect the basic capabilities that infodemic managers must master in the future and provide a reference and standards for the education and training of infodemic managers in China. In this paper, the network survey method is used to collect the relevant data on the infodemic management capacity-building measures carried out by the World Health Organization, including capacity training and capacity framework. The qualitative research method of semi-naturalism is adopted, and the steps of “discretization processing of materials - clustering processing of items - relationship analysis of clusters” are followed to conduct a systematic analysis. Based on a systematic analysis of the materials, a model of infodemic management capacity is constructed, which consists of six components: infodemic cognition ability, infodemic monitoring ability, infodemic analysis ability, infodemic intervention ability, infodemic evaluation ability, and supportive ability, and the specific content of the six abilities is studied. To ensure adequate infodemic management capacity, it is necessary to adhere to the strategies, which include a combination of inter-disciplinary and inter-system measures, theory and practice, stability and iteration, emergency management and sustainability, and full-cycle and all-round measures.
Received: 07 August 2023
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