Core Patent Identification Method Integrating Attribute Indicators and Citation Relationships |
Guo Jianming1, Wang Jingyi1, Yuan Run1,2 |
1.Institute of Science and Technology Information, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013 2.Jiangsu University Library, Zhenjiang 212013 |
Abstract Based on information theory, this paper proposes a core patent identification method integrating attribute index and citation relationships for balancing individual characteristics and the network integrity of patents. First, it analyzes the necessity and feasibility of patent information analysis based on a comprehensive attribute index and citation relationship from the perspective of information theory and constructs core patent identification models based on comprehensive methods. Second, the patent index system is constructed to calculate the patent attribute value, and PageRank and HITs (hyperlink-induced topic search) algorithms are used to measure the importance, authority, and hub of patents before and after the relationship between comprehensive attribute value and direct citation, co-citation and coupling, and identify core patents. Finally, we attempt to compare the effects of the methods before and after synthesis using the method based on the robustness and vulnerability of complex networks. The empirical results indicate that (1) the identification model combining the two methods increases the amount of information for patent analysis, considers the advantages of patent index analysis and network analysis, and realizes the complementary advantages of both methods. (2) Different citation relationships reflect the difference in patent values; the identification results of the three relationships are concentrated and discrete, and a few core patents simultaneously have high importance, authority, and hub. (3) The evaluation method based on the robustness and vulnerability of complex networks is useful for solving the problem of evaluating results in patent information analysis.
Received: 26 July 2023
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