Decision-Oriented Map Knowledge Service |
Qi Xiaoying1, Li Xinwei1, Yang Haiping1, Xu Panqing2, Lu Lan3 |
1.School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 2.Research Institute of Historical and Cultural Maps, Sanjiang University, Nanjing 210012 3.Policy Project Research Center of Sansha City, Sansha 573199 |
Abstract To integrate and transform the geopolitical, historical, and cultural information in maps into intelligence for decision-making, based on the interactive combination of “long-term” and “process geography,” this paper considers the synchronicity of the spatial field and the diachronic nature of the time order, to construct a map knowledge service system for a practical study of the South China Sea. First, through the five intelligence analysis capabilities comprising discovery, evaluation, interpretation, prediction, and delivery, a decision oriented map knowledge service system is constructed, and the key issues and core links of the knowledge discovery mechanism, consisting of evaluation, association, reasoning, and delivery mechanisms in the system are explained. Second, through the knowledge service system map, the South China Sea map database and map classification system, metadata framework and map ontology model, knowledge graph, question answering system, evidence chain, and other knowledge service practices were established considering the four aspects of the South China Sea map: resource construction, semantic organization, knowledge association, and knowledge delivery. The paper provides a powerful theoretical basis and intelligent tool promoting the intelligence value of the South China Sea map in the decision of “evidential war.”
Received: 12 December 2022
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