Exploring the Relationships among Interaction Perception, Behavior, and Quality during Users' Online Health Information Searches |
Zhang Xiaotong1,3, Li Yuelin2,3, Xin Ran4 |
1.Business College of Southwest University, Chongqing 402460 2.Business School, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 3.Research Center for Information Behavior, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 4.School of Medicine, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 |
Abstract This study focused on interaction perception, behavior, and quality during users’ online health information searches. We conducted an experiment involving eight simulated work task situations in which we observed 64 participants and recorded when they searched for health information. We performed correlation and stepwise multiple linear regression analyses to analyze the relationships among interaction perception and quality as well as between interactive behavior and interaction quality. The results indicated that users’ information-interaction and task-interaction perceptions during online health information searches were significantly correlated with interaction quality. We also found that interaction perception, to some extent, impacted interaction quality. However, the correlation between perceived interaction performance and quality was not significant. Additionally, system- and content-interactive behaviors were significantly correlated with interaction quality, and we identified interactive behavior as an effective indicator for characterizing or predicting users’ online health information interaction quality. The findings reveal the influence of interaction perception on interaction quality, and suggest the indication or predictive value of interactive behavior on interaction quality. The results help us understand users’ health information searching behavior and processes better and have implications for improving the design of intelligent health information retrieval and services.
Received: 02 January 2024
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