Do Distance Factors Affect International Collaboration in Different Subfields Equally? Evidence from Computer Science |
Zhao Yi, Zhang Chengzhi, Xi Haixu |
Department of Information Management, School of Economics & Management, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing 210094 |
Abstract Understanding the distance factors that influence international scientific collaboration is crucial for enhancing these collaborative efforts. However, previous studies have mostly focused on the investigation of top-level disciplines, ignoring the heterogeneity of distance factors affecting international collaboration in different subfields; therefore, the results of these studies cannot provide a basis for formulating refined policies. From a comparative perspective, this study analyzed the temporal and spatial patterns of international collaboration in the different subfields of computer science based on computer science publication records published by 187 countries between 1990 and 2019 from the database of DBLP computer science bibliography. Subsequently, we used a zero-inflated beta regression model to reveal the influence of six factors on international collaboration for a large set of countries, by different subfields, and over time. From the perspective of the spatio-temporal distribution of international collaboration, using artificial intelligence, a representative subfield of computer science, as an example, this study shows that the early stage of high-intensity collaborative relationships is mainly dominated by the United States. Countries, including China and Singapore, have become increasingly involved in artificial intelligence research over time, and the pattern of international collaboration has shifted from “one strong and multipolar” to “multipolar collaboration”. In addition, from the results of our regression analysis, we identify that geographical distance, cognitive distance, and economic distance obstruct international collaboration in all subfields, with cognitive distance having the highest impact, while cultural distance, degree of company participation, and political distance have significant negative effects only in some subfields. From the temporal dimension, the marginal effect of geographical and cognitive distances on international collaboration has decreased over time, whereas the impact of economic distances has increased.
Received: 31 October 2022
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