The Influence of Fund Support on the Research Direction of Outstanding Young Scholars |
Chen Xueyi1, Pan Yuntao1, Ma Zheng1, Zhang Guilan1, Zhang Baizhen2, Ren Qian2 |
1.Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 2.Office of Beijing Natural Science Foundation Committee, Beijing 100000 |
Abstract Young people are the driving force behind scientific and technological innovations. The science fund influences the research direction of researchers. The science fund assists young talents in making breakthroughs in innovation and focusing on the research frontier. From the perspective of “environment, motivation, and behavior,” this study conducted research in three dimensions, including theme cohesion, cooperation continuity, and team stability. This study selected seven indicators to quantify the research direction. An empirical study was conducted using the winners of the “Beijing Outstanding Youth Science Fund” from 2018 to 2020 as an example. The following findings were obtained: research topics of the scholars supported by the foundation had become more extensive, collaboration with scholars in the same field had been continuously strengthened, and the internal academic team had become more stable. By observing the comprehensive score of outstanding youth in three stages and analyzing the change in research direction, it was found that 95% of scholars tended to focus on research under the funding. The focus types included gradual focus, slow focus, steady focus, and delayed focus. The rest tended to branch out, which was closely related to the evolution and continuous integration of disciplines. From the perspective of fund project management, scholars should be guided to conduct interest-driven and target-oriented research through fund projects. Moreover, scholars should be provided with stable and continuous funding projects to ensure their continuous, in-depth research.
Received: 19 August 2022
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