Emotional Recognition of Visual-perception Oriented Images and Its Application in the Recommendation System |
Chen Fen, He Yuan, Tang Liping |
School of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094 |
Abstract Visual information is one of the most important sources of external information. Images are a major form of visual information. In this paper, the authors first optimize the algorithm of color histogram based on image segmentation, introduce the Itti visual attention model, extract the image saliency map according to the principle that different image regions arouse different degrees of attention, and calculate the weighted histogram based on the saliency map. Secondly, different types of visual emotional features are extracted, combining low-level color, texture, and shape, as well as high-level facial emotion features to generate a composite image sentiment feature description vector. Finally, the emotion recognition model is used to make emotion-based film recommendations, combined with movie posters and synopsis texts, and based on the combination of graphic and textual emotion recognition, to meet users’ emotional needs. In conclusion, this paper proposes a framework of image emotion recognition that combines visual-perception oriented features and facial emotions. This framework is efficient and exhibits good performance. To a certain extent, the framework proposed in this paper narrows the “semantic gap” in this area of research.
Received: 17 August 2018
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