Exploring Potential Collaboration Partners of Middle and Small-sized Enterprises Based on Heterogeneous Information Networks of Patent: Graphene as Example |
Fu Junying1, Peng Zhe2, Zheng Jia1, Yuan Fang1, Li Nong1 |
1.Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 2.Business-Intelligence of Oriental Nations Corporation Ltd., Beijing 100102 |
Abstract The technological innovation capability of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has become an important component of a country’s national innovation system. In the US, there have been very comprehensive support measures related to SMEs that encourage them to cooperate with external organizations, such as non-profit research institutions and large enterprises; the support, in turn, can help them to develop rapidly. This study seeks to measure the technical similarity of the patentees by measuring the similarity between their patents and builds a heterogeneous network based on graphene-related patents in the database on US-authorized patents. Further, based on the PathSelClus algorithm, we choose 7 scientific research institutions and 5 large enterprises to act as user guidance. As a result, we get 2 types of clusters in terms of 2 semantics. The first result is a distribution of the degree of similarity between the SMEs and the 7 scientific research institutions, and the other is a distribution of the degree of similarity between SMEs and the 5 large enterprises. Finally, this study analyzes the validity of clustering results according to the research and development direction of the patentees.
Received: 24 October 2018
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