Research on the Scientific Research Level of the Excellence 9 League in the Field of Opportunity Discovery of Cooperation in the Humanities and Social Sciences |
Lin Yuan1, Li Luying1, Xu Kan2, Liu Shengbo1 |
1. Institute of Science of Science and Technology Management, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024 2. Faculty of Computer Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024 |
Abstract The development of a high level of humanities and social sciences points toward the direction of breakthroughs in the construction of first-rate universities and world-renowned high-level universities in the field of science and engineering. By statistically analyzing the basis for cooperation in scientific research in universities of science and engineering, high-efficiency potential cooperation opportunities are discovered. Our country??s “Excellent 9” league is taken as an example, based on the three cooperative basic indicators of joint cooperation institutions, discipline distribution, and keywords, to analyze the motivation of cooperation and explore potential cooperation directions for universities. At the same time, a similarity measure based on the information vector of a university is proposed, and the difference of information between colleges is compared and analyzed; thus, potential cooperation is suggested. The combination of quantitative analysis and vector representation reveals the potential cooperation direction of five pairs of universities and provides a feasible information representation model for mining potential cooperation opportunities in colleges and universities, which can be used to guide the development of scientific research.
Received: 28 May 2018
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