Deep Neural Networks Language Model Based on CNN and LSTM Hybrid Architecture |
Wang Yi, Xie Juan, Cheng Ying |
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract The language model is one of the most important domains in natural language processing. It is a bridge for the computer to identify and comprehend human language, and it is also a sign of Artificial Intelligence development. The language model is popular in Speech Recognition, Machine Translation, Information Retrieval, and Knowledge Mapping. With the rapid expansion of technology and hardware, the language model has experienced a transformation from statistical model to neural network model and then to the deep neural network model. The wide application of depth learning makes language modeling more extensive, complex, and expensive. This paper combines the personalized input, convolutional neural network (CNN) coding, and the technique of union gate, cooperating with long short-term memory (LSTM) mechanism to improve the language model. The dynamic integration of LSTM and CNN is called Gated CLSTM. In the experiment, we used the deep learning framework Tensorflow to achieve a Gated GLSTM architecture. Besides, some classical optimization techniques, such as noise contrastive estimation and recurrent projection layer, were adopted in the experiment. We tested the performance of the Gated CLSTM under an open and big scale corpus set and trained a signal-layer model and a three-layer model to observe how network depth influences the performance. The single-layer model has 4 days of training experience and reduced the perplexity to 42.1 in four GPU console environment. The three-layer model reduced the perplexity to 33.1 in 6 days. Compared with some classical benchmark models, significant improvements have been made by Gated CLSTM considering both hardware and time complexity and perplexity.
Received: 25 June 2017
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