Evaluating the Scholarly Impact of Institutes Based on the Journal Editorship Index: Empirical Analysis in Geology |
Lu Xiaoli1,2,3, Li Jing1,4, Wu Dengsheng1 |
1. Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190; 2. School of Public Policy and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049; 3. National Geological Library of China, Beijing 100083; 4. School of Management, Anhui University, Hefei 230039 |
Abstract To solve the difficulty in obtaining multidimensional data and the insufficiency of the quantitative and qualitative combination, this paper proposes a Journal Editorship Index (JEI) to assess the scholarly impact of academic institutes based on the journal editorial board data. The editorial board members are responsible in combining an assessment of both quantitative approaches and peer review. The JEI takes into account the influence of the journal rating, editor title, and board size. Experiments are conducted to assess the scholarly impact of geology institutions based on the editorial boards of 111 geology journals (which is comprised of 3811 members) in the Excellence in Research for Australia journal list. The results show that the JEI can well characterize the academic influence of the scientific research institutions. Moreover, the JEI score and editorial board member of the academic institutions in the field of geology show an unequal distribution. The JEI scores have a significant correlation with the number of journal papers, including the total cited times and H indices. The robustness analysis of the evaluation results shows that considering the influence of the factors, such as editorial level, journal grade, and editorial scale, will change the evaluation results. The results also indicate that the different weights of the influence of the factors will generate the same evaluation results. By calculating the correlation between the JEI index and the derived indices, such as JEI/JT, JEI/JR, and JEI/JE, the JEI score of the academic institutes has the greatest impact when the journal rating is considered.
Received: 14 June 2017
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