Empowering High-level Self-reliance and Strength in Science and Technology with Scientific and Technological Information |
Zhao Zhiyun |
Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing100038 |
Abstract Self-reliance and strength in science and technology is the foundation for national prosperity and security, and it is the only way for building a world leader in science and technology. Since its birth, China's scientific and technological information has been closely related to the country's scientific and technological advancement. This study analyzes the new demands and challenges faced by China's scientific and technological information causes, combining the backgrounds of high-level self-reliance and strength in science and technology. This paper proposes a new perspective and scientific connotation for using the theory of new quality productive forces to create a new situation for scientific and technological information causes. Specifically, it proposes an efficiency-oriented research paradigm for scientific and technological information and highlights the key issues and measures that China's scientific and technological information institutions must address to empower high-level self-reliance and strength in science and technology. These issues include accelerating the construction of a high-quality scientific and technological information resource system, creating a new intelligent analysis engine for scientific and technological innovation services, strengthening the systematic construction of scientific and technological information, and building a scientific and technological information talent system.
Received: 30 October 2024
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