Identification of Potential Key Players in “Neck-Jamming” Technologies within Framework of Innovation Ecosystems |
Ma Hongye1,2, Feng Nanping1,2, Yang Shanlin1 |
1.School of Management, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009 2.Ministry of Education Philosophy and Social Science Experimental Laboratory for Data Science and Smart Society Governance, Hefei 230009 |
Abstract Identifying potential key players for addressing critical technological challenges is crucial in constructing an innovation ecosystem that overcomes the disadvantages of “neck-jamming” technologies. This study employs resource orchestration theory in conjunction with multidimensional patent data, including features, classification codes, and textual information, to develop a two-stage model for identifying potential key players in “neck-jamming” technology. First, we evaluate the resource endowments of innovative entities in the field to create a “resource pool” of potential key players. Next, we assess the collaborative capabilities of system leaders and potential key players within this pool. Based on their resource endowments and collaborative capabilities, we classify the potential system members into four categories: core, developing, general, and peripheral. This categorization facilitates the selection of system members. Finally, we apply and validate the model using an example of lithography technology to demonstrate its scientific rigor.
Received: 15 March 2024
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