Research on the Profile and Identification Method of Young Scientific and Technological Talents |
Zhang Yang1, Huang Zixuan1, Zhu Jiaqi2,3 |
1.School of Information Management, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006 2.The Center for Studies of Hong Kong, Macao and Pearl River Delta, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275 3.Institute of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Development Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275 |
Abstract In the context of reforming talent evaluation in science and technology to address the issue of the “four only” and establish new standards, the utilization of data-driven technology to objectively and comprehensively uncover the potential of talents and create a tagging system for identifying young talents holds great significance for the early discovery and allocation of talents, as well as for promoting national scientific and technological innovation. This study introduces a method for profiling and identifying young scientific and technological talents. First, a youth scientific and technological talent profile is constructed from six dimensions: basic attributes, research direction, academic productivity, academic influence, innovation potential, and cooperation ability, in line with the current evaluation orientation of talent evaluation. Second, a talent profile model is developed based on knowledge graphs, and multi-source data are collected to build a profile database. Finally, young scientific and technological talents are identified through unsupervised clustering analysis and supervised data search. The experimental test was conducted on young scholars in the field of information resource management. The results demonstrate that this method comprehensively explores the characteristics and inherent patterns of talents, meeting the actual needs of talent identification with good accuracy and showing promising feasibility, effectiveness, and interpretability.
Received: 14 March 2024
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