Path Identification and Disruptive Innovation of Technology R&D Based on Analysis of Patent Citation Network |
Lu Wanhui |
Chinese Academy of Social Science Evaluation Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732 |
Abstract Against the background of the increasingly fierce competition among great powers in terms of international science and technology, scientific and technological advances have become a key factor in the world economic and political competition pattern. Clarifying the subject of technological competition and the path of technological evolution is an important issue for achieving breakthroughs in the paths of technology innovative development. In this study, starting from the path-dependence and technology discontinuity theories, and leveraging patent mining of high-persistence knowledge contribution, identification of the main path of technological evolution and detection of disruptive innovation signals were realized based on the hierarchical perspective of patent citation network. Empirical research and analysis were carried out by taking the field of semiconductor materials as an example. Wide bandgap semiconductor materials are giving rise to a disruptive change in the new generation of power electronics and optoelectronic technology world-wide. By mining the technological evolution path and detecting disruptive innovation signals in the field of semiconductor materials, some technologies in this field with strong signals of disruptive innovation were identified. The results can help the scientific and industrial circles understand the technical fields and provide intelligent support for the development context and layout of technology research and development. The method constructed in this study concerning the path-dependent and disruptive innovation signal detection of technology research and development based on patent citation network analysis also features strong field expansion.
Received: 23 March 2023
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