Scientific Structure Review and Its Hierarchical System Construction |
Tian Qianfei1,2, Chen Yunwei1,2, Zhang Zhiqiang1,2 |
1.National Science Library (Chengdu), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610299 2.Department of Information Resources Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190 |
Abstract Scientific structure is the outline and framework of a system gradually accumulated by scientific knowledge after long-term development and change. Additionally, it is an internal relationship and logical mechanism that is not transferred by human will. By clarifying the concept and connotation of science and scientific structure, this paper comprehensively elucidates the multidisciplinary perspective research progress of “the research theoretical foundation of scientific structure laid by philosophy of science, deep excavation of the internal level of scientific structure by science of science, and research content of scientific economics to effectively expand scientific structure.” Based on the study of macro-, meso-, and micro-level systems of scientific structure and their interaction with society, a three-level system integration diagram of scientific structure with scientific knowledge as the core is constructed. In the 21st century, when global scientific and technological competition is unprecedentedly fierce, studying the scientific structure is conducive to revealing and grasping the development process and trend of science, as well as the global and national scientific development patterns, and plays a key role in assisting the formulation of appropriate science and technology policies and the establishment of reasonable scientific research institutions.
Received: 19 September 2023
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