“Ability”and“Potential”: Research on the Dynamic Model of Interdisciplinary Knowledge Communication from the Perspectives of Ecology and Physics |
Ye Guanghui, Peng Ze, Li Songye, Xia Lixin |
School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 |
Abstract An increasing number of scholars use diverse knowledge via interdisciplinary knowledge communication to solve more comprehensive and complex academic problems against the background of blurred subject boundaries and broken disciplinary barriers. In order to identify the dynamics and development direction of interdisciplinary knowledge communication behavior, this study constructs a power model of interdisciplinary knowledge communication from the perspectives of ecology and physics. First, the concepts of potential energy in physics and ecological niche in ecology are transplanted into the interdisciplinary knowledge communication field. Second, based on the researchers’ knowledge base, the interdisciplinary knowledge communication potential energy is calculated by integrating the network structure characteristics and knowledge niche width of the knowledge subject. Then, based on the potential energy difference of interdisciplinary knowledge communication and overlap degree of knowledge niche among scholars, the trend of interdisciplinary knowledge exchange among scholars is quantified, and a power model of interdisciplinary knowledge exchange from the perspective of scholars is constructed. Taking the knowledge communication network as a research object, this study describes the activity of interdisciplinary knowledge communication behaviors and the evolution process of the entire academic ecosystem and constructs a power model of the network evolution. Finally, the power model is verified by using the interdisciplinary knowledge communication network of scholars in the field of health informatics as experimental data, and the evolution process and characteristics of interdisciplinary knowledge communication in network are analyzed.
Received: 29 August 2023
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