Predictive Intelligence Research Based on Data Intelligence: A New Paradigm for Predictive Intelligence Research in a New Environment |
Li Yang1,2, Sun Jianjun1,2 |
1.School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 2.Laboratory of Data Intelligence and Interdisciplinary Innovation, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract Predictive intelligence is the core of intelligence research. This study reviews the origin and evolution of predictive intelligence based on an analysis of predictability and unpredictability and the characteristic idea of predictive intelligence research. Employing the characteristics of the data intelligence environment, this study puts forward a new paradigm called predictive intelligence based on data intelligence, and elaborates upon it according to the features of connotation characteristics, a philosophical perspective, and value significance. The study holds that the predictive intelligence research paradigm based on data intelligence has important new features such as big data support, intelligent technology application, active intervention, engineering analysis, multi-scale description, high precision orientation, and so on. In essence, this is the epistemological change of predictive intelligence brought about by the rise of “machine experience.” The new paradigm can further promote predictive intelligence research to achieve a “forward threshold” in prediction concepts, in-depth mining in prediction content, and “real world” and even “multiple intertwined worlds” in the prediction space. Indeed, the future development of predictive intelligence based on data intelligence still must pay considerable attention to the basic guarantee, systematic balance, interpretability, ethics and risks, and human wisdom support.
Received: 04 January 2023
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