Weak Signal Detection and Identification with Heterogeneous Data and Semantic Construction |
Han Meng, Chen Yue, Wang Yuqi, Wang Kang, Cui Linwei |
The Institute of Science of Science and S&T Management & WISE Lab, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116033 |
Abstract Business competition is intensifying, and the iteration cycle of innovation and products is accelerating. Thus, identifying the weak early signals of emerging technologies is of significant strategic importance. This study explores a novel method for weak signal detection and identification using heterogeneous data and semantic construction. First, heterogeneous data are filtered through document outlines and text dissimilarities based on academic articles. Second, weak signals represented by keyword terms are extracted by improved term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) and the combination graph method. Finally, the context of the terms is obtained through semantic construction and mining to explain the meaning of weak signals, thereby identifying the weak signals of emerging technologies. Taking the field of quantum information as an example, this study identifies the weak signals of current emerging technologies, including quantum theory of dot adsorption, private agreement, dot medicine, and quantum games. The results confirm the effectiveness of the method for weak signal detection and identification. The method is expected to be helpful for science and technology managers in research decision-making.
Received: 27 March 2023
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