Evaluation of Data Papers from the Perspective of Multi-dimensional Influence Fusion |
Xu Xin, Ye Dingling |
Department of Information Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241 |
Abstract With the influence of data papers, data metrics has gradually risen to prominence. Based on data metrics, this paper integrates multi-dimensionality and multiple indexes to comprehensively evaluate the influence of data papers. First, an analysis of the mechanism of the influence of data papers via information dissemination is conducted. The influence of data papers can be divided into three dimensions: potential influence, academic influence, and social influence. Based on this a comprehensive evaluation system of data paper's influence is constructed by fusing Altmetrics and citation analysis. Finally, the evaluation results of the influence of data papers is deconstructed using correlation analysis and three-dimensional space difference analysis. The results show that three-dimensional influence reflects the comprehensive influence of data papers, and these complement and promote one another. At the same time, data papers should promote the targeted development of review mechanisms, citation mechanisms, and incentive mechanisms as a whole and promote the internal optimization of the quality, content, logic, and timeliness of data papers.
Received: 05 January 2021
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