The Mission and Positioning of Intelligence Studies Education in the New Era |
Su Xinning |
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract Intelligence studies education has made great achievements over more than half a century of development and has welcomed new development opportunities with the age of big data. How can these opportunities be grasped and how can the associated challenges be met? Starting from the mission of intelligence studies education in the new era, this study discusses the positioning of intelligence studies education in the future. The study also propounds seven missions of intelligence studies education: the cultivation of professionals of Detector, Scout, and Consultant, leaders of science and technology, intelligence talents in the field of national security, intelligence talents who can act as decision-making advisers, intelligence scientists with an acute “sense of smell” in all walks of life, talents of consultancy service who serve the people, and scholars who explore the theory, technology, and methods of intelligence studies. Further, four orientations of intelligence studies education in the future are identified: following national strategies, strengthening the teaching of intelligence technology, aiming at the international environment, and keeping up with the times.
Received: 13 May 2020
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