Social Trust, Rational Behavior, and Government MicroblogsDissemination: An Empirical Analysis Based on Text Mining |
Feng Xiaodong1, Ma Jie2, Jiang Guoyin1 |
1.School of Public Administration, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731 2.School of Economic and Management, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731 |
Abstract Social media, represented by government microblogs, has gradually become a new channel for the government to provide public services and communicate with the public, and mining the behavioral characteristics of public online information dissemination helps to deliver the most precise service in the context of the Internet and the management of the public opinion of the network. The paper, using the theory of social capital and rational behavior, proposes a novel model to explain the dissemination effect of government microblogs from the perspective of public behavior and online sentiment. It tries to break through traditional research that is limited to studying this problem only from the perspectives of microblog posts and publishers’ features. We also utilize a technical method based on text mining to measure the interest and sentiment of a user and how closely a government post matches those qualities. Using a dataset collected from the Sina microblog platform, along with statistical analysis and predictive modeling methods, the influences of different features on the microblog government dissemination effects are examined. We find that measuring public trust based on its sentiment orientation on the topic of government microblogs has bigger explanatory power and predictive capability than other methods.
Received: 27 November 2018
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