Internationalization of References in Journal Papers: An Empirical Study on Library and Information Science |
Gong Kaile, Xie Juan, Cheng Ying, Meng Fansai |
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract In the context of the “Double First-Class” plan for Chinese higher education, the internationalization of discipline becomes an inevitable trend. The “Prosperity Project of Philosophy and Social Science (2011—2020),” which was formulated by Ministry of Education (MOE) and Ministry of Finance (MOF), also put forward the “go global” and “bring in” strategies. The internationalization of references is not only an important means to realize the strategy of “bring in” but also an indicator to measure scholars’ international vision. Therefore, this paper does an empirical study on Library and Information Science (LIS). Sixteen journals indexed by the Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI) since 1998 are selected to explore the internationalization of references in LIS journal papers and to reveal the scholars’ international vision. The paper then explores the factors affecting the internationalization of references and puts forward some specific suggestions for the internationalization of LIS in China.
Received: 15 May 2017
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