The Rise of Intelligence Studies in the Age of Big Data |
Su Xinning |
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Data Engineering & Knowledge Service, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023 |
Abstract This article briefly reviews the history and background of the development of intelligence studies, analyzes its characteristics and the existing problems in its development, and clarifies some of the confusion in its development. Moreover, it indicates that big data has brought opportunities for the development of intelligence studies. This development should undertake its historical mission and social responsibility following the strategy of national security and development. Therefore, this article puts forward some thoughts on the rise of intelligence studies: constructing intelligence studies for civil-military integration, training those intelligence professionals of “Detector, Scout, Consultant, and Leader” categories who meet the needs of national security and development, reforming the intelligence studies education system and incubating the innovative models, keeping the research focus on intelligence technology, and promoting the integration of intelligence studies and practice under the guidance of “national security is a matter of prime importance”.
Received: 02 April 2018
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