Predicting Potential Technology Partners and Competitors of Enterprises: A Case Study on Fuel Cell Technology |
Li Bing, Ding Kun, Sun Xiaoling |
Institute of Science of Science and S&T Management, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024 |
Abstract The rapid increase in the number of patents has made it more time-consuming and labor-intensive for companies to evaluate and screen potential technology partners and identify and avoid competitors in a large industry. The method of accurately and quickly narrowing the search scope and locating potential relationships becomes crucial and meaningful. In this study, a company-patent heterogeneous network is constructed based on the bipartite graph theory. The research method uses the link prediction algorithm based on the SimRank indicator of random walk, and a predictive analysis is conducted on the company's potential technology partners and competitors. The network representation method is used to identify the context information of patents and calculate the similarity of the patent representation vector to measure the technical difference between the target company and the competing object to determine the competitive relationship. Finally, an empirical study in the field of fuel cell technology is carried out to verify the effectiveness of the research theory and method and provide a reference for the development of enterprises.
Received: 26 September 2020
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