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目录 contents




    The purpose of this paper was to conclude the development of social network analysis (SNA) using intelligence analysis through the following three aspects: collaboration network, citation network, and topic-associated network. This paper emphasizes combining classic concepts, methods, and algorithms, as well as introducing new concepts, ideas, indicators, and algorithms. Finally, this paper discusses the functions and prospects of SNA.

    社会网络分析(social network analysis,SNA)是对社会关系结构及其属性加以分析的一套规范和方法,它主要分析的是不同社会单元所构成的关系的结构及其属[1]。社会网络与图论和复杂网络理论一起称为网络研究三部[2]

    2002年,Otte和Rousseau发表了一篇名为“Social network analysis: a powerful strategy, also for the information sciences”的论[3],全面介绍了社会网络分析的基本概念、发展状况及其在情报分析领域的应用,并开展了基于作者合作、文献偶联等方面的实证研究。该研究成为情报分析人员早期利用社会网络分析方法开展情报分析的重要参考资料。本文通过调研近年来情报研究人员利用社会网络分析方法开展情报分析的工作实践,对社会网络分析方法在情报分析中的应用进行系统梳理和归纳,包括核心理论、关键方法和代表性应用等。

  • 1 社会网络分析方法在情报分析中的应用概况






  • 2 合作网络

  • 2.1 合作网络的类型




    近年来出现了空间科学计量学(spatial scientometrics)的概念,即明确考虑空间维度的科学计量学研究,研究引用的空间分布,合作、引用和流动中的空间偏见,国际合作与国内合作的影响等问[18]。例如,Wu[19]在2013年提出了一个基于空间多样性(SDCR)的城市和国家的引文排名,侧重于引文网络中“空间”方面的测量,以解决由引文的不同地理位置引起的引用偏见。近期,许多空间科学计量学的研究集中在利用各种科学计量指标来分析城市的科学产出方面,以城市为节点的城市间合作网络研究工作日益引起研究人员的关注。例如,Csomos[20]在2018年以Scopus数据库索引的期刊文章为基础,分析了1986—2015年世界范围内城市的科学产出情况,以及城市间的合作网络,挖掘了每个城市的优势学科。




  • 2.2 合作网络的应用


    合作网络研究的首要应用是用于科研表现评价,已有研究证明了科学家合作水平的高低在一定程度上可以反映科学家科研表现的强[34]。例如,Abbasi[35]在2011年发现,科学家的科研表现与度数中心度、效率和平均合作强度成正比。在此基础上,笔者构建了一个用于评价科学家科研表现的复合合作强度指数(compound collaboration strength,CCS),综合了作者数量、合作机构数量、篇均合作作者数量、篇均合作机构数量、以样本STDEV.S标准差表征的每篇论文合作机构分布的异质性以及拥有合作机构论文所占比例共6个参[34]

    合作网络还被用于研究学科结构与演化。例如,Bettencourt[36]在2009年指出,作者合作网络会随着学科的发展而变得越来越稠密,作者(nodes)及合作边(edges)的关系符合简单的标度律edges= A(nodes)α,其中标度指数α>1;作者合作网络的直径在经历领域发展初期的快速增长后,会在领域进入成熟期后稳定在12~14。


  • 3 引文网络




    引文网络的演化研究是引文网络分析的另一个重要方面,可用于分析知识扩散规律,挖掘知识流与主路径,揭示科学结构与探测学科交叉主题,在历史角度和宏观层面揭示或呈现科学或学科演化的特征与规律[38]。例如,Batagel[51]在2003年提出了用于在引文网络中搜寻主路径的搜索路径数(search path count, SPC)算[51],其核心思想是以引文网络中遍历权重最高的路径作为主路径,该算法成为当前开展主路径研究的最经典的算法之一。然而已有的引文网络经典主路径分析方法(如SPC)没有区分引文网络节点之间的差异,也没有考虑引用边可能代表不同的引用行为或引用目的。为此,Wei[52]基于SPC算法,利用元路径来描述和量化在基于文献关联属性的相关性,然后将这种相关性与原始链接的遍历权重进行整合,获得新的指数,通过在合成生物学领域的实证分析,证明了这种改良方法可以成为主要路径分析的有效补充。



  • 4 主题关联网络




    基于语义相似度的主题关联研究是当前的热点,研究焦点在于不断丰富主题关联网络的链接基础,深入研究主题相似计算算法,如利用VSM模型、SAO模型和LDA主体模型等开展语义层面上的相似度计算。例如,Salton[64]提出向量空间模型VSM来计算文献之间的本文相似度,Yoon[65]利用基于文本“主-谓-宾(SAO)”结构的专利语义分析来揭示特定领域专利之间的相似性,进而研究技术演化,Blei[66]在2003年提出的LDA(三层贝叶斯图文档生成模型,latent Dirichlet allocation)主题模型掀起了主题模型研究的热潮。主题模型的特点在于可快速发现文献的主题,包括主体聚类(如k-means)和概率模型(如LDA)两类。然而,传统的诸如LDA等主题模型因其基本原理是基于词共现频率、忽略了词之间的顺序以及语义关联而导致其在分析短文本时存在效力下降的不足。随着研究的深入,研究人员也开始尝试将不同主题关联方法整合在一起进行研究。例如,蔡永明[67]为了解决共词网络分析不能产生新主题的问题以及克服传统LDA模型的不足,他们将传统的LDA模型与共词网络整合在一起,提出了CA-LDA模型,提高了具有相同搭配关系词汇划分在同一主题下的概率,进而提高了短文本主题分析的效果。

  • 5 网络可视化





  • 6 讨论与展望






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      Roesler C, Broekel T. The role of universities in a network of subsidized R&D collaboration: The case of the biotechnology-industry in Germany[J]. Review of Regional Research, 2017, 37(2): 135-160.

    • 22

      Luo Q, Xia J C, Haddow G, et al. Does distance hinder the collaboration between Australian universities in the humanities, arts and social sciences?[J]. Scientometrics, 2018, 115(2): 695-715.

    • 23

      陈云伟, 方曙. 专利权人关联网络的社会网络分析方法研究[J]. 图书情报知识, 2011(3): 58-66.

    • 24

      Chen Y W, Fang S. Mapping the evolving patterns of patent assignees’ collaboration networks and identifying the collaboration potential[J]. Scientometrics, 2014, 101(2): 1215-1231.

    • 25

      陈云伟, 邓勇, 陈方, 等. 引擎技术预见模型的构建及实证研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2017, 61(13): 77-86.

    • 26

      Choe H, Lee D H. The structure and change of the research collaboration network in Korea (2000—2011): network analysis of joint patents[J]. Scientometrics, 2017, 111(2): 917-939.

    • 27

      Börner K, Dall’Asta L, Ke W M, et al. Studying the emerging global brain: Analyzing and visualizing the impact of co-authorship teams[J]. Complexity, 2005, 10(4): 57-67.

    • 28

      Palla G, Barabasi A L, Vicsek T. Quantifying social group evolution[J]. Nature, 2007, 446(7136): 664-667.

    • 29

      Guimera R, Uzzi B, Spiro J, et al. Team assembly mechanisms determine collaboration network structure and team performance[J]. Science, 2005, 308(5722): 697-702.

    • 30

      Lambiotte R, Panzarasa P. Communities, knowledge creation, and information diffusion[J]. Journal of Informetrics, 2009, 3(3): 180-190.

    • 31

      Moliner L A, Gallardo-Gallardo E, de Puelles P G. Understanding scientific communities: a social network approach to collaborations in Talent Management research[J]. Scientometrics, 2017, 113(3): 1439-1462.

    • 32

      Zheng J, Gong J Y, Li R, et al. Community evolution analysis based on co-author network: a case study of academic communities of the journal of “Annals of the Association of American Geographers”[J]. Scientometrics, 2017, 113(2): 845-865.

    • 33

      Mao J, Cao Y J, Lu K, et al. Topic scientific community in science: a combined perspective of scientific collaboration and topics[J]. Scientometrics, 2017, 112(2): 851-875.

    • 34

      陈云伟, 邓勇, 陈方, 等. 复合合作强度指数构建及应用研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2015, 59(13): 96-103.

    • 35

      Abbasi A, Altmann J, Hossain L. Identifying the effects of co-authorship networks on the performance of scholars: A correlation and regression analysis of performance measures and social network analysis measures[J]. Journal of Informetrics, 2011, 5(4): 594-607.

    • 36

      Bettencourt L M A, Kaiser D I, Kaur J. Scientific discovery and topological transitions in collaboration networks[J]. Journal of Informetrics, 2009, 3(3): 210-221.

    • 37

      Bar-Ilan J. Informetrics at the beginning of the 21st century—A review[J]. Journal of Informetrics, 2008, 2(1): 1-52.

    • 38

      陈云伟. 引文网络演化研究进展分析[J]. 情报科学, 2016, 34(8): 171-176.

    • 39

      吴海峰, 孙一鸣. 引文网络的研究现状及其发展综述[J]. 计算机应用与软件, 2012, 29(2): 164-168.

    • 40

      邱均平, 董克. 引文网络中文献深度聚合方法与实证研究——以WOS数据库中XML研究论文为例[J]. 中国图书馆学报, 2013, 39(2): 111-120.

    • 41

      Wanjantuk P, Keane J A. Finding related documents via communities in the citation graph[C]// Proceedings of the International Symposium on Communications and Information Technology. IEEE, 2004: 445-450.

    • 42

      Kajikawa Y, Yoshikawa J, Takeda Y, et al. Tracking emerging technologies in energy research: Toward a roadmap for sustainable energy[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2008, 75(6): 771-782.

    • 43

      Ren F X, Shen H W, Cheng X Q. Modeling the clustering in citation networks[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2012, 391(12): 3533-3539.

    • 44

      Chen W L, Fengxia Y X, Wang G. Community discovery algorithm of citation semantic link network[C]// Proceedings of the 2013 Sixth International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design. Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society, 2013: 289-292.

    • 45

      肖雪, 陈云伟, 邓勇. 基于节点内容及拓扑结构的引文网络社团划分[J]. 图书情报知识, 2017(1): 89-97.

    • 46

      肖雪, 王钊伟, 陈云伟, 等. 基于样本加权的引文网络的社团划分[J]. 图书情报工作, 2016, 60(20): 86-93.

    • 47

      尹丽春, 刘泽渊. 《科学计量学》引文网络的演化研究[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2006, 17(5): 718-722.

    • 48

      Chen P, Redner S. Community structure of the physical review citation network[J]. Journal of Informetrics, 2010, 4(3): 278-290.

    • 49

      Börner K, Klavans R, Patek M, et al. Design and update of a classification system: The UCSD map of science[J]. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(7): e39464.

    • 50

      陈云伟, 许轶, 王立娜, 等. 基于网络结构的科研单元的科研范式研究[J]. 图书情报知识, 2016(5): 53-61.

    • 51

      Batagelj V. Efficient algorithms for citation network analysis[EB/OL]. [2015-12-18]. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/1956732.

    • 52

      Wei L, Liu C J, Xu H Y, et al. Main path identification involving article’s associated attribute: A case study of synthetic biology[C]// Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, Wuhan, 2017: 599-610.

    • 53

      Boyack K W, Klavans R, Börner K. Mapping the backbone of science[J]. Scientometrics, 2005, 64(3): 351-374.

    • 54

      He Q. Knowledge discovery through co-word analysis[J]. Library Trends, 1999, 48(1): 133-159.

    • 55

      Callon M, Courtial J P, Laville F. Co-word analysis as a tool for describing the network of interactions between basic and technological research: The case of polymer chemistry[J]. Scientometrics, 1991, 22(1): 155-205.

    • 56

      Ding Y, Chowdhury G G, Foo S. Bibliometric cartography of information retrieval research by using co-word analysis[J]. Information Processing & Management, 2001, 37(6): 817-842.

    • 57

      Su H N, Lee P C. Mapping knowledge structure by keyword co-occurrence: a first look at journal papers in technology foresight[J]. Scientometrics, 2010, 85(1): 65-79.

    • 58

      Ji Y J, Jiang Y, He L. An evaluation method based on co-word clustering analysis – Case study of Internet + Innovation and entrepreneurship economy[C]// Proceedings of the International Conference on Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence. Singapore: Springer,.2018, 849: 585-595.

    • 59

      Wu D S, Song Y, Xie K F, et al. Traits and causes of environmental loss-related chemical accidents in China based on co-word analysis[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(18): 18189-18199.

    • 60

      Zhao F K, Shi B, Liu R X, et al. Theme trends and knowledge structure on choroidal neovascularization: a quantitative and co-word analysis[J]. BMC Ophthalmology, 2018, 18: 86.

    • 61

      Feng J, Zhang Y Q, Zhang H. Improving the co-word analysis method based on semantic distance[J]. Scientometrics, 2017, 111(3): 1521-1531

    • 62

      Wang M Y, Chai L H. Three new bibliometric indicators/approaches derived from keyword analysis[J]. Scientometrics, 2018, 116(2): 721-750.

    • 63

      杨璧嘉, 张旭. 专利网络分析在技术路线图中的应用[J]. 现代图书情报技术, 2008(5): 61-66.

    • 64

      Salton G, Wong A, Yang C S. A vector space model for automatic indexing[J]. Communication of ACM, 1975, 18(11): 613-620.

    • 65

      Yoon J, Kim K. Identifying rapidly evolving technological trends for R&D planning using SAO-based semantic patent networks[J]. Scientometrics, 2011, 88(1): 213-228.

    • 66

      Rosen-Zvi M, Griffiths T, Steyvers M, et al. The author-topic model for authors and documents[C]// Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Arlington: AUAI Press, 2004: 487-494.

    • 67

      蔡永明, 长青. 共词网络LDA模型的中文短文本主题分析[J]. 情报学报, 2018, 37(3): 305-317.

    • 68

      Boyack K W, Börner K, Klavans R. Mapping the structure and evolution of chemistry chemistry research[J]. Scientometrics, 2009, 79(1): 45-60.

    • 69

      Gress B. Properties of the USPTO patent citation network 1963-2002[J]. World Patent Information, 2010, 32(1): 3-21.

    • 70

      Whitfield J. Group theory[J]. Nature, 2008, 455(7214): 720-723.

    • 71

      Börner K, Boyack K. Mapping interdisciplinary research (sidebar, systems science section)[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010: 457-460.


机 构:中国科学院成都文献情报中心科学计量与科技评价研究中心,成都 610041

Affiliation:Scientometrics & Evaluation Research Center SERC, Chengdu Library and Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041

邮 箱:chenyw@clas.ac.cn



角 色:责任编辑

Role:Executive editor

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      Roesler C, Broekel T. The role of universities in a network of subsidized R&D collaboration: The case of the biotechnology-industry in Germany[J]. Review of Regional Research, 2017, 37(2): 135-160.

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      Luo Q, Xia J C, Haddow G, et al. Does distance hinder the collaboration between Australian universities in the humanities, arts and social sciences?[J]. Scientometrics, 2018, 115(2): 695-715.

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      陈云伟, 方曙. 专利权人关联网络的社会网络分析方法研究[J]. 图书情报知识, 2011(3): 58-66.

    • 24

      Chen Y W, Fang S. Mapping the evolving patterns of patent assignees’ collaboration networks and identifying the collaboration potential[J]. Scientometrics, 2014, 101(2): 1215-1231.

    • 25

      陈云伟, 邓勇, 陈方, 等. 引擎技术预见模型的构建及实证研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2017, 61(13): 77-86.

    • 26

      Choe H, Lee D H. The structure and change of the research collaboration network in Korea (2000—2011): network analysis of joint patents[J]. Scientometrics, 2017, 111(2): 917-939.

    • 27

      Börner K, Dall’Asta L, Ke W M, et al. Studying the emerging global brain: Analyzing and visualizing the impact of co-authorship teams[J]. Complexity, 2005, 10(4): 57-67.

    • 28

      Palla G, Barabasi A L, Vicsek T. Quantifying social group evolution[J]. Nature, 2007, 446(7136): 664-667.

    • 29

      Guimera R, Uzzi B, Spiro J, et al. Team assembly mechanisms determine collaboration network structure and team performance[J]. Science, 2005, 308(5722): 697-702.

    • 30

      Lambiotte R, Panzarasa P. Communities, knowledge creation, and information diffusion[J]. Journal of Informetrics, 2009, 3(3): 180-190.

    • 31

      Moliner L A, Gallardo-Gallardo E, de Puelles P G. Understanding scientific communities: a social network approach to collaborations in Talent Management research[J]. Scientometrics, 2017, 113(3): 1439-1462.

    • 32

      Zheng J, Gong J Y, Li R, et al. Community evolution analysis based on co-author network: a case study of academic communities of the journal of “Annals of the Association of American Geographers”[J]. Scientometrics, 2017, 113(2): 845-865.

    • 33

      Mao J, Cao Y J, Lu K, et al. Topic scientific community in science: a combined perspective of scientific collaboration and topics[J]. Scientometrics, 2017, 112(2): 851-875.

    • 34

      陈云伟, 邓勇, 陈方, 等. 复合合作强度指数构建及应用研究[J]. 图书情报工作, 2015, 59(13): 96-103.

    • 35

      Abbasi A, Altmann J, Hossain L. Identifying the effects of co-authorship networks on the performance of scholars: A correlation and regression analysis of performance measures and social network analysis measures[J]. Journal of Informetrics, 2011, 5(4): 594-607.

    • 36

      Bettencourt L M A, Kaiser D I, Kaur J. Scientific discovery and topological transitions in collaboration networks[J]. Journal of Informetrics, 2009, 3(3): 210-221.

    • 37

      Bar-Ilan J. Informetrics at the beginning of the 21st century—A review[J]. Journal of Informetrics, 2008, 2(1): 1-52.

    • 38

      陈云伟. 引文网络演化研究进展分析[J]. 情报科学, 2016, 34(8): 171-176.

    • 39

      吴海峰, 孙一鸣. 引文网络的研究现状及其发展综述[J]. 计算机应用与软件, 2012, 29(2): 164-168.

    • 40

      邱均平, 董克. 引文网络中文献深度聚合方法与实证研究——以WOS数据库中XML研究论文为例[J]. 中国图书馆学报, 2013, 39(2): 111-120.

    • 41

      Wanjantuk P, Keane J A. Finding related documents via communities in the citation graph[C]// Proceedings of the International Symposium on Communications and Information Technology. IEEE, 2004: 445-450.

    • 42

      Kajikawa Y, Yoshikawa J, Takeda Y, et al. Tracking emerging technologies in energy research: Toward a roadmap for sustainable energy[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2008, 75(6): 771-782.

    • 43

      Ren F X, Shen H W, Cheng X Q. Modeling the clustering in citation networks[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2012, 391(12): 3533-3539.

    • 44

      Chen W L, Fengxia Y X, Wang G. Community discovery algorithm of citation semantic link network[C]// Proceedings of the 2013 Sixth International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design. Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society, 2013: 289-292.

    • 45

      肖雪, 陈云伟, 邓勇. 基于节点内容及拓扑结构的引文网络社团划分[J]. 图书情报知识, 2017(1): 89-97.

    • 46

      肖雪, 王钊伟, 陈云伟, 等. 基于样本加权的引文网络的社团划分[J]. 图书情报工作, 2016, 60(20): 86-93.

    • 47

      尹丽春, 刘泽渊. 《科学计量学》引文网络的演化研究[J]. 中国科技期刊研究, 2006, 17(5): 718-722.

    • 48

      Chen P, Redner S. Community structure of the physical review citation network[J]. Journal of Informetrics, 2010, 4(3): 278-290.

    • 49

      Börner K, Klavans R, Patek M, et al. Design and update of a classification system: The UCSD map of science[J]. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(7): e39464.

    • 50

      陈云伟, 许轶, 王立娜, 等. 基于网络结构的科研单元的科研范式研究[J]. 图书情报知识, 2016(5): 53-61.

    • 51

      Batagelj V. Efficient algorithms for citation network analysis[EB/OL]. [2015-12-18]. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/1956732.

    • 52

      Wei L, Liu C J, Xu H Y, et al. Main path identification involving article’s associated attribute: A case study of synthetic biology[C]// Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, Wuhan, 2017: 599-610.

    • 53

      Boyack K W, Klavans R, Börner K. Mapping the backbone of science[J]. Scientometrics, 2005, 64(3): 351-374.

    • 54

      He Q. Knowledge discovery through co-word analysis[J]. Library Trends, 1999, 48(1): 133-159.

    • 55

      Callon M, Courtial J P, Laville F. Co-word analysis as a tool for describing the network of interactions between basic and technological research: The case of polymer chemistry[J]. Scientometrics, 1991, 22(1): 155-205.

    • 56

      Ding Y, Chowdhury G G, Foo S. Bibliometric cartography of information retrieval research by using co-word analysis[J]. Information Processing & Management, 2001, 37(6): 817-842.

    • 57

      Su H N, Lee P C. Mapping knowledge structure by keyword co-occurrence: a first look at journal papers in technology foresight[J]. Scientometrics, 2010, 85(1): 65-79.

    • 58

      Ji Y J, Jiang Y, He L. An evaluation method based on co-word clustering analysis – Case study of Internet + Innovation and entrepreneurship economy[C]// Proceedings of the International Conference on Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence. Singapore: Springer,.2018, 849: 585-595.

    • 59

      Wu D S, Song Y, Xie K F, et al. Traits and causes of environmental loss-related chemical accidents in China based on co-word analysis[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25(18): 18189-18199.

    • 60

      Zhao F K, Shi B, Liu R X, et al. Theme trends and knowledge structure on choroidal neovascularization: a quantitative and co-word analysis[J]. BMC Ophthalmology, 2018, 18: 86.

    • 61

      Feng J, Zhang Y Q, Zhang H. Improving the co-word analysis method based on semantic distance[J]. Scientometrics, 2017, 111(3): 1521-1531

    • 62

      Wang M Y, Chai L H. Three new bibliometric indicators/approaches derived from keyword analysis[J]. Scientometrics, 2018, 116(2): 721-750.

    • 63

      杨璧嘉, 张旭. 专利网络分析在技术路线图中的应用[J]. 现代图书情报技术, 2008(5): 61-66.

    • 64

      Salton G, Wong A, Yang C S. A vector space model for automatic indexing[J]. Communication of ACM, 1975, 18(11): 613-620.

    • 65

      Yoon J, Kim K. Identifying rapidly evolving technological trends for R&D planning using SAO-based semantic patent networks[J]. Scientometrics, 2011, 88(1): 213-228.

    • 66

      Rosen-Zvi M, Griffiths T, Steyvers M, et al. The author-topic model for authors and documents[C]// Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Arlington: AUAI Press, 2004: 487-494.

    • 67

      蔡永明, 长青. 共词网络LDA模型的中文短文本主题分析[J]. 情报学报, 2018, 37(3): 305-317.

    • 68

      Boyack K W, Börner K, Klavans R. Mapping the structure and evolution of chemistry chemistry research[J]. Scientometrics, 2009, 79(1): 45-60.

    • 69

      Gress B. Properties of the USPTO patent citation network 1963-2002[J]. World Patent Information, 2010, 32(1): 3-21.

    • 70

      Whitfield J. Group theory[J]. Nature, 2008, 455(7214): 720-723.

    • 71

      Börner K, Boyack K. Mapping interdisciplinary research (sidebar, systems science section)[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010: 457-460.