Irrational Information Behavior from a Cognitive Perspective: Application of the Mental Accounting Theory |
Shen Yutian1,2, Lu Quan1,2,3, Chen Jing4 |
1.School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 2.Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 3.Big Data Institute, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 4.School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 |
Abstract Revealing the decision-making processes and mechanisms of information users from a cognitive perspective is an essential part of information behavior research. However, theoretical models based on rational assumptions cannot explain the irrational or limited rationality information behavior in complex information environments. This study introduces the mental accounting theory to the field of information behavior, providing a new perspective for studying information users’ cognitive processes and decision-making psychology given complex effects. In this study, we review the current status of user information behavior research from a cognitive perspective, conceptualize irrational information behavior, analyze the shortcomings of existing theoretical models and methodological perspectives, and clarify the importance and necessity of cognitive perspectives and biases. Subsequently, we introduce the mental accounting theory and summarize its theoretical connotations, core concept content, development, application, and research paradigm. We explain how to apply the ideas of multi-account classification and gain-and-loss analyses in mental accounting theory to explain and intervene in typical irrational phenomena, such as the non-substitution, sunk cost, and reference point effects in information behavior. Furthermore, we construct a research framework for irrational user information behavior based on the mental accounting theory. This article reveals how mental accounting affects individuals’ information decisions and behaviors in terms of different behavioral topics and stages. Our study findings enrich the methodology and theoretical system of information behavior research and promote the development of research on information behavior from rational to irrational assumptions and the transformation of research on irrational information behavior from scattered, descriptive research that summarizes rules to systematic, interventional research that reveals decision-making mechanisms.
Received: 10 May 2024
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