Health Information Use of Chronic Disease Patients: An Analysis of the Influence of Individual Characteristics and Health Information Characteristics |
Li Yuelin1,2, Fan Sinuo1,2, Zhang Yao1,2 |
1.Department of Information Resources Management, Business School, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 2.Research Center for Information Behavior, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071 |
Abstract Based on prior qualitative research, this study aimed to reveal how patients with chronic diseases use health information in their health management, and the factors affecting the usage of health information at different levels (high or low). A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data from patients with chronic diseases. Multiple linear regression analysis and fsQCA were used to analyze the data. The findings indicate that the relevant factors influence the use of health information through two patterns: individual-characteristics-driven and information-features-driven. The individual-characteristics-driven pattern includes “cognitive-ability-driven,” “motivation-driven,” and “dual-factor-driven” patterns, with users' health information literacy and self-efficacy as the core influencing factor. The information-features-driven pattern covers “content-quality-driven” and “multi-factor-driven” patterns. The core factors for the “content-quality-driven” pattern are argument quality and emotion tendency. The core factors for the “multi-factor-driven” pattern are source professionality, credibility, actionability, and visual information medium. This study expands the field of health information behavior studies by developing a theoretical model of chronic patients’ health information use based on influencing factors. This study provides theoretical and practical guidance for improving health information services targeted at patients with chronic diseases.
Received: 11 April 2024
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