Research on High-Level Paper Selection from Citation Review Evidence Perspective |
Ma Ruimin1,2, Feng Yumei1, Song Guoqing1 |
1.School of Economics and Management, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006 2.Research Center for Science Evaluation, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006 |
Abstract A paper is an important expression of scientific research results. It is crucial to scientifically select high-level papers under the current background of “breaking the five-only” approach, which is the basic starting point to ensure the implementation of representative work evaluation. Citation comments by the academic community are the most direct form of recognition of a paper’s value and serve as substantive and critical evidence of academic evaluation. Analyzing citation content more deeply helps to discover high-level papers more scientifically. First, this paper explains the basic idea of model construction based on the theory of academic identity and the characteristics of evidence. Second, it redefines and classifies citing emotions and citing functions based on content semantics, and fully considers the “citing author’s credibility.” This leads to the construction of a comprehensive weighted selection model for high-level academic papers. Third, relevant papers from Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, a top journal in the field of chemistry, are selected for empirical research. The results show that the model proposed in this paper accurately identifies “Very Important Papers (VIPs).” Finally, compared with other mainstream evaluation indexes, the model demonstrates a high degree of differentiation and discrimination, significantly improving the evaluation of the academic level of a paper.
Received: 06 October 2023
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