Empowering Scientific and Technological Intelligence Education in a Complex Information Environment |
Su Peng1, Zhang Zeyu2, Lin Zijie1,2, Wu Zhenfeng2, Zeng Wen2 |
1.Department of Information Management, Peking University, Beijing 100871 2.Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038 |
Abstract Scientific and technological intelligence is an important aspect of intelligence education. The complex information environment has introduced new challenges for scientific and technological intelligence education. Using methods such as reviewing literature of national and international intelligence education expounds the organization, presentation, and implementation of the content of empowering education, such as awareness, means, knowledge, and ethics. In view of the special requirements for the training of scientific and technological intelligence professionals, this study clarifies the “changed innovation” and “unchanged integrity” of intelligence education in a complex information environment. First, the empowerment content of science and technology intelligence education is gradually enriched, and a new version of scientific and technological intelligence science is created in the new knowledge reserve, information means, and ethical concepts. Second, the empowerment mode of scientific and technological intelligence education is increasingly adaptable, and the ability to deal with complex task scenarios of scientific and technological intelligence should be formed through lifelong learning, in-depth practice, and awareness shaping. Third, the empowerment goal of scientific and technological intelligence education is gradually clarified, creating a benign environment for the development of disciplines, transfer of talents, and transfer of value. On this basis, the author presents the content, mode, and goal of China's scientific and technological intelligence education in a complex information environment to help explore the empowerment model for scientific and technological intelligence education that suits China.
Received: 09 May 2023
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