Knowledge Matching of the Shape of Unearthed Potteries as a Perspective on Digital Humanities |
Han Muzhe1,2, Gao Jinsong2, Li Yu3, Fu Jiawei2 |
1.Institute of Science and Technology Information, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013 2.School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 3.School of Archaeology and Museology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610225 |
Abstract Knowledge and effective use of unearthed pottery are of significant importance in revealing the origin and development of Chinese civilization, as typical artifacts in archaeological cultural research are the source of social memory and provide an important clue for constructing cultural identity. Thus, a knowledge-matching method for the shapes of unearthed pottery is proposed in archaeological culture research, which is helpful in promoting the reuse and sharing of knowledge in related fields and can provide a solution to the problem of information redundancy and knowledge mazes in scholarly research. Upon defining the representativeness of unearthed pottery shapes in cultural research and determining the practical significance of knowledge matching, we present a method based on system knowledge from three aspects: knowledge structure analysis, knowledge vector representation, and similarity calculation. In proposing different similarity calculation methods for the types and parts of pottery shapes, the effect of the explicit organization of empirical knowledge in archaeological culture research was considered. Finally, the shape data of unearthed pottery excavated from 20 selected tombs, namely, Chawuhu, Yanbulake, and Mohuchahan Cemeteries, were considered as examples, to verify the effectiveness of the aforementioned method in the study of prehistoric cultural staging. The periodization results of the 20 target tombs were highly consistent (84.21%) with the corrected periodization results proposed by the archaeological community based on pottery type and tomb shape, which fully demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method, as well as the relevancy in cultural research.
Received: 20 February 2023
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