A Method of Search Term Recommendation Based on Dependency Syntactic Network Combined with PageRank |
Lou Wen1,2,3, Ma Xinyu1, Su Zilong1 |
1.Department of Information Management, School of Economics and Management, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062 2.Institute for Academic Evaluation and Development in East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241 3.Key Laboratory of Advanced Theory and Application in Statistics and Data Science (East China Normal University), Ministry of Education, Shanghai 200062 |
Abstract Facing increasing information overload and the rise of cross-cutting research, studies on the filtering ability of the information retrieval system to provide effective search term recommendation services are becoming increasingly important. This study proposes a search term recommendation method that integrates dependent syntax and language network theories using the PageRank algorithm. By constructing a search term set and dependent syntax network, and sorting the search terms using the PageRank algorithm, the search term recommendation is realized. The method is validated using the Web of Science platform 124,516 literature abstracts in the field of information science & library science as an example. We also invited ten MLIS graduate students to participate in the user study, which combined the comparison results with similar methods and systems. The results show that the accuracy of the recommended method is 80%, average Cosine similarity in the recommendation list is 0.53, and average Jaccard similarity in the table is 0.39. Compared with other methods and systems, the diversity of our approach reacts better with a higher degree of surprise. Overall, the results show that our method increased the coverage of the search terms based on the user’s information requirements. Our method is expected to provide references on methodological perspectives on the representation of information retrieval. It can be directly applied for terminological organization in the back end of information retrieval, as well as indirectly for knowledge discovery and inter-disciplinary study.
Received: 02 January 2023
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