Demystifying Knowledge Growth of Interdisciplinary Fields Based on the Location Functions of Terms |
Cao Yujie1, Wang Shiyun2, Mao Jin2, Li Gang2 |
1.School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079 2.School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 |
Abstract The law of knowledge creation and flow in the formation and development of interdisciplinary fields can be explored by mining the interdisciplinary literature of scientific knowledge. Based on the location functions of terms in the literature, we propose literature spatial theory and a knowledge growth process model for interdisciplinary fields, which involves knowledge absorption, internalization, and innovation. We designed a full-text analysis method for quantitatively analyzing the knowledge growth process of interdisciplinary fields. Empirical research was conducted on the bioinformatics field, and the knowledge growth characteristics of this interdisciplinary field were determined. First, knowledge internalization and absorption are highly related; they vary in quantity but have the same trend. Second, the first peak of knowledge innovation appears four years later than knowledge absorption and internalization. Third, with the development of the interdisciplinary field, the real-time internalization rate remains relatively stable, the entire internalization rate decreases, and the internalization rate of newly absorbed knowledge is decreasing while the efficiency of knowledge innovation stimulated by knowledge internalization is increasing. The proposed full-text analysis framework for interdisciplinary knowledge growth can enrich the full-text content analysis methodology of academic literature.
Received: 23 August 2022
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