Evolution Path Identification and Visualization of Technological Innovation Based on SAO |
Liu Chunjiang1, Liu Ziqiang2, Fang Shu1 |
1.Chengdu Library and Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041 2.School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097 |
Abstract Using patent literature data to assess the development of a technical topic and analyze the development trend can help users to appropriately choose research and development directions and implementation paths; this is significant in both academia and industry when attempting technological innovation. In this study, Open IE 5.1 is used to extract the three tuples of Subject-Action-Object (SAO), the topics based on the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model are identified, the technical topics are divided into four dimensions based on the semantic dictionary of action according to the TRIZ technology innovation idea, and the semantic association between the technical topics is evaluated by calculating the similarity between the three tuples of SAO. Subsequently, a visualization map of the evolution path of technology theme innovation is constructed and the evolution context and development trend of technological topics are analyzed. Based on an empirical study conducted in the field of supercapacitors, the innovation evolution path of the technology problem (problem to problem, P-P), technical function (solution to solution, S-S), solution (problem to solution, P-S), and technical effect (solution to problem, S-P) is interpreted and analyzed, thus verifying the feasibility and effectiveness of this method.
Received: 10 January 2022
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